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This program takes in mono PCM samples from several sources and combines them together into a single PCM stream. We use this program to mix the results of several of the other programs into a song. The other programs to run can be specified on the command line or in a special commandfile.


[-prop proportionToLeft]
If the -stereo option is given, this will control what proportion of the next commands goes to the left channel. The remaining 1.0 - prop will go to the right channel. The default is 0.5. Once this option is used, it remains in effect until another option changes the proportion.
[-command commandToFork]
This program gets its input by running commands in subshells. This specifies a command which will output double-precision, mono, PCM samples.
[-file commandFile]
Commands can also be specified in a file. The lines of the file can be at most 8192 characters in length. If the line starts with an at sign ('@'), the remainder of the line is assumed to be an argument for the -prop parameter instead of a -command parameter.
[-gain gain]
This is the overall scaling to be applied to the mixed samples. The default is 1.0.
[-freq frequency]
This argument tells what the frequency of the PCM samples generated by all child processes is taken to be. This is used for the next three arguments to translate seconds into samples. The default is 8192.
[-length length]
This tells the length in seconds to make the song. If this value is negative, the song will continue forever. The default is -1.0.
[-fadeIn length]
This tells the length in seconds of the fade-in period for the song. The default is 0.0.
[-fadeOut length]
This tells the length in seconds of the fade-out period for the song. The default is 5.0.
This flag tells this program to output double-precision PCM samples. The default is to output signed 16-bit PCM samples.
This flag tells this program to output stereo data. The default is to downmix to mono.

(copyright 2001) (gpg keys)

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